The Elections Committee has released the Candidates for the Volta Regional Executive Council elections which will be held on Thursday, November 16, 2023 at the Ho Municipal Assembly.
In accordance with Article 47(8) of the GFA Statutes 2019, 10 positions are available to the various members of the Regional Football Association.
Four persons are contesting for the Second Division positions while the rest go unopposed.
The two positions for District Chairpersons will be filled after the District elections are held.
Article 47(8) of the GFA Statutes states as follows: There shall be an Executive Council of the RFAs which shall consist of:
- The Chairman elected by the regional Congress. The Vice Chairman of the Executive Council shall be elected from amongst the Executive Council at its maiden sitting. The Vice-Chairman shall act in the absence of the Chairman.
- Three (3) persons elected by the registered Second Division Football Clubs in the region
- Two (2) persons elected by the DFA Chairpersons in the region
- Two (2) persons elected by the Juvenile Football Clubs in the region
- One (1) person elected by the Women Football Clubs in the region
- One (1) person elected by the Referees in the region
- One 1) person elected by the Coaches in the region
Below are the candidates: