
Elections Committee Appointed for new 4-year term

6 months ago

The Ghana Football Association has appointed 5 persons to serve as Members of its Elections Committee for the next four (4) years.

The Congress of the Association unanimously approved the persons proposed by the Executive Council to serve as members of the independent body.

Lawyer Joseph Bernard Ashalley and Dr. David Amoo-Osae (Jnr.) were retained as Chairperson and Vice Chairperson respectively of the Elections Committee. Mr. Daniel Oduro was also retained as a Member of the Committee.

Lawyer Mary Akosua Sarpiemaa Tibu, Esq. and Dr. David Okyere are the new Members of the Committee.

The profiles, pictures and legal basis for the nomination and appointment of each member of the Committee were contained in the Convocation of Congress documents sent to members of Congress.

The Executive Council, acting under Article 54 of the GFA Statutes, proposed the five members to the respected Congress of the Ghana Football Association for their approval under Article 32(2)(r) of the Statutes of the GFA.

The GFA Statutes under Article 54 (headed – Elections Committee) provides that:

“The Elections Committee is the body in charge of organising and supervising the election process in accordance with the provisions of these Statutes and the Elections Regulations of GFA. The Elections Committee shall be made up of five (5) members, including at least one woman and a Lawyer who shall be the Chairperson”.

In accordance with Article 36 of the GFA Statutes, the appointment came into force on August 27, 2024 and the members will serve in this capacity until August 26, 2028.