
General Statistics of Malta Guinness Women’s Premier League after Matchweek Three

1 month ago

The Malta Guinness Women's Premier League has witnessed impressive statistical records as the competition unfolds across the Northern and Southern Zones. Notably, five teams remain unbeaten, boasting a 100% record:

  • Ampem Darkoa Ladies
  • Dreamz Ladies
  • Jonina Ladies
  • Police Ladies
  • Army Ladies

The NASCO Player of the Match awards have recognized exceptional performances from:

  1. Balchisu Ibrahim (FC Savannah)
  2. Victoria Teilar (Fosu Royal Ladies)
  3. Beatrice Akwaboah (Northern Ladies)
  4. Stella Nyamekye (Dreamz Ladies)
  5. Victoria Banful (Ampem Darkoa)
  6. Mariama Foriwaa (Army Ladies)
  7. Grace Animah (Police Ladies)
  8. Asana Hamidu (Ladystrikers)
  9. Abigail Bosu (Jonina Ladies)

Key statistics from the ongoing campaign:

  • Total goals scored: 62
  • Away goals: 28
  • Home goals: 34
  • Draws: 4
  • Goals per half: 31 (first and second half)
  • Penalties: 4 (2 goals, 2 misses)
  • Yellow cards: 82
  • Red cards: 3
  • Own goals: 1

Notably, two goalkeepers remain unbeaten:

  • Evelyn Yeboah (Ampem Darkoa)
  • Alice Anning (Dreamz Ladies)

The top scorers chart is currently led by Josephine Addowaa (Jonina Ladies) and four other players with 3 goals each.