
General Statistics of the Access Bank Division One League after Matchday 12

1 month ago

Two hundred and eighty-eight matches (288) have been played in the 2024/25 Access Bank Division One League. One hundred and fifty-eight home wins have been recorded, sixty away wins, and seventy draws.

Five hundred and eighty-nine goals have been scored, with three hundred and eighty-four home goals, two hundred and five away goals, and eleven own goals in twelve rounds of matches in all the zones.

Zone One A: Real Tamale United leads the table with 29 points. Zone One B: Techiman Eleven Wonders tops the table with 20 points. Zone Two: Swedru All Blacks leads with 30 points and remains the only club yet to taste defeat in the Access Bank Division One League this season.

Zone Three: Hohoe United are cruising atop the table with 28 points, despite suffering their second defeat of the season on Match day 12.

Below are the remaining stats: