The Ghana Football Association wishes to remind all Clubs about the President of Ghana’s directive that fans are not allowed during pre-season training sessions.
During his update Number 17 on measures taken against the spread of coronavirus, HE President Akufo-Addo lifted the ban on contact sports, paving the way for the resumption of competitive football activities in the country.
The President, however, stated that ''No spectators will be allowed at the training centres, and, when actual competition resumes, seating at all stadia will be limited to twenty-five percent (25%) capacity to ensure social distancing”.
Clubs are hereby entreated to comply fully with this directive as we prepare for the upcoming football season.
Also Clubs should note that fans are not allowed to attend other pre-season activities including new players unveiling matches and friendly matches of any kind in full and strict adherence to directives.
"Clubs are complying very well with directives so far but it is very useful for the GFA to remind all our stakeholders about the directives and to continue to encourage our members to remain compliant. The GFA will continue to monitor and failures will be sanctioned. We thank our clubs for a good work done so far generally" said General Secretary Prosper Harrison Addo, (Esq).