In Our profiling series for clubs that have qualified to play in the KGL U-17 Inter Clubs Champions League we begin with Kintampo based St. Anthony Sporting Academy which was founded in 2016.
St Anthony Sporting Academy (SASA), was formed in the year 2016 by Fred Opoku Appiah who is based in Belgium.
The motive was to help young talented players in Kintampo who lack the needed support to be able to play to International standards.
The team was named after his father Mr. Anthony Yeboah of blessed memory. He initially started with 6 players, giving them training and providing their football needs and education as well.
Other players were spotted and added while others came on their own.
The team won the Municipal Juvenile League and continued to win the Regional Juvenile Championship to qualify to play in the National U-17 Inter Clubs Champions League scheduled for Accra from Monday, December 6 to Tuesday, December 21, 2021.