The Ghana Football Association wishes to remind Premier League Clubs to submit a Director each to the Autonomous Premier League Board.
The implementation Committee of the Autonomous League headed by His Majesty Togbe Afede XIV has sent a reminder to all Premier League clubs to send a Director each to sit on the Board of the Autonomous League Limited.
The Autonomous Premier League has already been registered as a company with the Registrar of Companies under Ghanaian law and its bank accounts opened by the Implementation Committee headed by His Majesty Togbe Afede XIV.
The Ghana Football Association has already handed over the Autonomous Premier League to the Premier League clubs since the Implementation Committee members will only be replaced on the board by the directors of the 18 clubs.
The process reached a stage where each Premier League club was to submit its rightful board representative (Director) to serve on the Board of the Autonomous Premier League Limited.
The Football Association, being a promoter of the Autonomous Premier League, is very eager for the clubs to move the implementation forward.
The Autonomous Premier League is a brainchild of GFA President Kurt Okraku and is backed by the Executive Council.
For two seasons now, Premier League clubs have been requesting the Football Association to manage the Ghana Premier League until they (the Premier League clubs) are ready to manage the Autonomous Premier League.
GFA Communications