The Referees Review Panel has suspended three match officials for wrongful interpretations of the laws of the game during Premier League matches.
Referee J.A. Amenya, who handled the Glo Premier League match between New Edubiase and Medeama at Berkwai has been suspended for two weeks whiles referee Charles Nii Tagoe who officiated the match between Asante Kotoko and Amidaus in Kumasi has been handed a four-week ban.
The Referees Review Panel has also suspended assistant referee William Okoampa for two weeks. He was an assistant referee during the match between Arsenals and Wa All Stars.
Meanwhile the Referees Review Panel has commended referees E.R. Biney and Sumaila Ibrahim and assistant referee Eric Mantiere for their bold decisions in their respective league matches they handled.
Below are the decisions of the Referees Review Panel:
1. Mr. J.A Amenya (Referee) Accra.
New Edubiase Vrs. Medeama S.C match played On 7th October, 2012 at Gyamfi Park, Bekwai
Your failure to sanction a New Edubiase player with No. 23 jersey who head butted a player of Medeama SC in the 80th minutes, you have been suspended for two weeks with effect from the 7th week of the GLO Premier League.
2. Mr. Eric Nantiere (Asst. Referee) Wa
Berekum Chelsea Vrs. Heart Of Lions match played on 7th October, 2012 at the Golden City Park, Berekum
You are hereby commended for your bold decision when you flagged the Heart of lions attacker for being in the off-side position before the ball entered the net. Please keep it up.
3. Mr. Charles Nii Tagoe (Referee)
Asante Kotoko Vrs Amidaus match played 7th 0ctober, 2012 at the Baba Yara Sports Stadium, Kumasi
Your failure to apply the correct sanction against the Asante Kotoko goal-keeper when he came out of the penalty area to prevent the ball from going into his goal-net using his hands which denied the opposing team an obvious goal scoring opportunity, you have been suspended for the four (4) weeks with effect from the 7th week of the GLO Premier League.
4. Mr. William Okoampah (Asst. Referee) Accra.
For misleading Referee E.R Biney in the 12th minute by ruling a player off-side when the player should not be ruled off-side, you have been suspended for two (2) weeks with effect from the 7th of the GLO Premier league.
4. Mr. E.R Biney (Referee) Accra
Arsenals Vrs. Wa All Stars match played on 14th October, 2012 at the Golden City Park, Berekum
You are hereby commended for your bold decision for ignoring Assistant Referee William Okoampah’s flag when he misled you in the 12th minute by ruling a player off-side when the player should not be ruled off-side.
5. Mr. Sumaila Ibrahim (Referee) Accra.
Asante Kotoko Vs. Heart of Lions match played on 21st October, 2012 at the Baba Yara Sports Stadium, Kumasi
You are hereby commended for your bold decision for penalty kicks you awarded to both Asante Kotoko and Heart of Lions in the 80th and 89th minutes respectively.